Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog v Wiki

     There are a lot of information in the world. It is hard for an individual to collect all the information. However, today there is something called a Wiki. A Wiki is a place for everyone in the world to put information about a topic into one webpage. Anyone can edit the page and add more information at their own will. With that being said, a Wiki is usually full of facts and is not opinion based. Luckily, there are blogs. A Blog is usually ran by one person and they can talk about anything they want. Therefore, a blog usually has a more opinionated view about a subject. Other people may choose to leave comments on things you say but can not edit the information on a blog.
     The importance of a Wiki is that there are a lot of information on one topic at one spot and anyone can add new information. If you were to go research on a topic yourself, you can put all the information you find onto the wiki. But, you may miss some information or someone else may discover new information about the same topic and post it on the wiki. This helps you learn more about the topic and anyone else interested in it. This is why it is important to converge information. However, there is a downside to this. According to the article: "A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia?" by Noam Cohan, people are able to put the original 10 Rorschach images (ink blots used for psychological treatment) and what the image are suppose to be. This hurts the importance of the Rorschach test because psychologists uses the same ink blots since they have a lot of normative data on it. Therefore, it is hard to use new ink blots since it will not be as effective. 
    The importance of a Blog is that an individual can write about anything they want. Bloggers can tell people what is happening around them and this can help their community. For example in the article: "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" by Micheal Wilson a blogger wrote on his blog "Fighting and drug deals going down in the driveway of this house." Other people that lived around there began to comment on that blog saying that it's a crack house and that there were deaths that occurred around there. This helped cops to be able to raid the house and capture a few criminals.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your comparisons between wikis and blogs. It's interesting to know bloggers have helped their community through their blogging. It must feel good to do a good deed from just writing about what's happening around them.


About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Wesley Chen and I am new to blogging.