Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog about Twitter

     As students we have many ways of communicating. This can be through Twitter, Blackboard, or an in class discussion. I have recently began using Twitter for my class and it is very interesting. However other students may probably be more familiar with Blackboard and an in class discussion.

     Since Twitter has an 140 maximum of characters someone can post, it makes it difficult for someone to explain themselves. This makes people get straight to the point. They would have to think about the main points of what they want to say and tweet it. To keep everything together as a class every tweet we make we put a #(class). If we need to look back at what other classmates said or even the professor we just search up the # and see what everyone wrote. We can then reply to someones post by putting a @(username) and type what you want to say and putting the # after.

   Blackboard is much different. A thread has to be created first and other people can reply to it. Since blackboard does not have a maximum of characters someone can post, people will generally explain themselves. It usually takes longer to post on blackboard than Twitter. The bad thing about Blackboard is, if someone was replying at the same time they may say the same thing. You will not be able to edit your post or delete it and it would be there forever. Also if you were to ask a question, someone may not reply until a week later when another student feels or sees your post.

    An in class disscussion is what most people are use to. Everyone will be in a class to discuss about a topic and people would take turns talking. This makes it better for everyone because if someone was confused about the topic they can ask for clarification and they would usually get the answer right away. Just being there physically in the conversation, people tend to remember what was said. However, if you were to forget what was said in the discussion there will be no place for you to remember what was said and may cause future confusion.

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About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Wesley Chen and I am new to blogging.