Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Social Networking Sites

      More and more people are using social networking sites such as: Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Some people may even list this as a "necessity" in their life. People use these sites to stay in touch with friends and/or family, or get the latest news about a celebrity, or even to get the latest news; there are endless possibilities one can use a social networking site for.

     I think the first big social networking site was Myspace, at least in my life it was. I was probably in middle school and everyone was beginning to create a profile on Myspace. So I said to myself "hey, why not." When I created a Myspace everything seemed a little complicated. But after a while I slowly learned and got use to the site. I found out that Myspace is mostly for music. If you were to visit the site today, they will show featured singles and songs. You would be able to put music on your personal profile and share songs that you like. However, looking back what I really learned from Myspace was to create a background for my profile. You were able to customize your own profile and create your own background by using HTML.

     The next big thing was Facebook. Facebook was much more easier to navigate than Myspace. People slowly began to shift towards Facebook and leaving Myspace. You are now able to play games, create groups to invite your friends in, see upcoming events, and see your news feed. People began to use Facebook more personally and tell everyone they were at the mall with 10 of their friends and their friends will know instantly. Instead of posting on a specific person's page like Myspace, you can just tell everyone through the news feed. I think Facebook is more engaging than myspace. If there is nothing interesting on your news feed there are other things to do such as play games to waste time.

   Twitter is another interesting social networking site. I think this site is clever. You are only able to "tweet" or tell your friends something by using a maximum of 140 characters, unlike Facebook or Myspace where you can type a whole paragraph. People get straight to the point and its easier to read. When I first joined twitter, people tweeted things like "Just ate a sandwich, mmm" or "What do you call a deer with no eye... No eyedeer." I found these tweets very funny and enjoyed having a twitter. Another thing I use Twitter for is for the news. News stations will summerize an article in about 140 characters and you would get a basic idea of whats happening.

   Instagram is another huge social networking site. This is a place where you would only share photos to your friends. You take a photo and post it on Instagram and people can like it by just double tapping the picture on their phone. When I first joined Instagram people would love to post a picture of their food. I like food and love to try new type of food so I would ask people "Where did you get this?!" and get a reply. I thought this was a smart idea and to this day I still use Instagram.

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Hello everyone, my name is Wesley Chen and I am new to blogging.